Management Policy

Category Details Consequences
Classification 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Misconduct Inappropriate behavior, including the use of profanity, condemnation, threats, display of sexual content, acts of hatred, racism, advertisement, spamming, etc. Chat Limitation 12 Hours 1 days 3 days Access Limitation
15 days Permanent Ban
Spreading unconfirmed information, violating public morality, or the operation policy in any format Access Limitation 1 days 3 days 7 days 15 days Permanent Ban
Any type of behavior aiming to disrupt and harass other users from using the game services
Impersonation and Fraud Deceiving a user or company to provide or attempt to provide oneself or others with proprietary benefits Access Limitation 7 days 15 days 30 days Permanent Ban
Impersonating a GM or a company employee to provide or attempting to provide oneself or others with proprietary benefits. Permanent Ban
Use of Inappropriate Names Using a name that includes profanity, offensive terms, words of ridicule, etc., that may insult or bring discomfort to others Name Change
Access Limitation
Name Change 3 days 7 days 15 days Permanent Ban
+ Name Change
Disruption of Game Management Spreading or inciting false information Access Limitation 1 days 3 days 7 days 15 days Permanent Ban
Inciting in-game gambling 3 days 7 days 15 days Permanent Ban
Real Money Trade Trading or attempting to trade game data such as accounts and items for money, existing goods, services, or items of other games Access Limitation 7 days 15 days 30 days Permanent Ban
Soliciting the trading of game data for money/existing goods
Advertising for Profit or Commercial Purposes Continuously showing advertisements unrelated to the game to make a profit Access Limitation Permanent Ban
Abnormal Transactions/Refunds Making or canceling a transaction through methods unapproved by the company Access Limitation Permanent Ban
Abnormal Gameplay Profiting from the game or negatively impacting the game's balance by exploiting in-game systems or using illicit means Access Limitation 7 days 15 days 30 days Permanent Ban
Disrupting other users through abnormal methods
Manipulating parts of the game with other users, such as in-game systems, event results, etc. + Retrieving/Resetting Abnormal Amounts of Commodities
Abusing System Errors/Bugs Playing the game abnormally by abusing in-game system errors, bugs, etc. Access Limitation Permanent Ban
+ Retrieving/Resetting Abnormal Amounts of Commodities
Forging and Tampering of the Application The act of forging or tampering with the application, as well as distributing it Access Limitation Permanent Ban
Illegal Program Usage and Distribution Unauthorized modification of the program or using/distributing the service of the company with the unauthorized program modification. Access Limitation Permanent Ban
Using/distributing illegal programs to others + Retrieving/Resetting Abnormal Amounts of Commodities
Disclosure of Personal Information Leaking or infringing the personal information of others without a consent. Access Limitation Permanent Ban
Account Theft/Hacking Accessing another user's account to abuse the account and items, as well as deleting the items Access Limitation Permanent Ban
(For Account Security Purposes)